CC20 Post Update
The Murnpeowie Muster
We trust that you had a safe trip home and are well rested
- Again, well done everyone for your participation and successfully facing the challenges and being part of the 18th C.C.
Some Statistics from this year’s event 45 participants in 23 vehicles.
There were 13 new participants and of the 45, 36 Males, 9 Females. We had 12 Corollas and an estimate of distance travelled … 2000 km. We raised an estimate of $10,000
- We acknowledged on the last night Les, Jack, Rob and Mark, Mick and Louise, and Dave and Julie for catering. Mick finished the night with a top bid for the Saddlebag. Ken Adams was presented with the Legend Cup. Thanks to the CC Management Committee and Secretary Ron. Thanks to Arch for his fundraising expertise and to Steve Knight for entertaining us as MC and collecting some important reflective / review comments for follow up and to Jack for finding beds for everyone.
Please have a look at all the photos taken during the trip by clicking the following link.
Highlights and positives
‘Great Company’, ‘Prefer July’, ‘Great Support’, ‘Exceeded my expectations’, ‘the landscape’, ‘I made it/we made it’, ‘a family’ ‘developed new skills’, ‘Gordon’s presentation’, ‘Ken’s family story’
- Recommendations for 2021
Keep in the North
Alice Springs
Western Victoria
Googs Track
Kangaroo Island or York Peninsular
The CC20 Committee will complete Review and Recommendations and present at Reunion.
Ron for CC Committee